against the wall什么意思的相关图片

against the wall什么意思

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英语against the wall怎么翻译?

靠着墙。一般用来说人靠在墙边。譬如:he is standing against the wall.他靠着墙边站着。

against the wall 是什么意思?

against the wall:倚着墙,靠着 Before the children:在孩子们、、、之前 Up the hill:上山 Via Hongkong:中转港 Past the house:从房子旁边穿过;经过 Oppos...

There was a ladder leaning against the wall.请人

有个梯子靠在墙上。leaning against靠在…上

如图,这个against有点不懂,词性?against the wall在

against在这句话里是介词,against the wall在整个句子中,做wall的补语。


墙的英文是:wall 读音:英 [wɔːl] 美 [wɔːl]n. 墙壁;垣;墙状物 v. 围住;隔开;演戏般地转...

upagainstthe wall什么意思

up against the wall 碰壁 处于困境

against 是什么意思

The fight against inflation has been going on for almost two years.抑制通货膨胀的战斗已展开近两年了。2.逆;对着 They sounded a sharp warning against all ...


not to the advantage or favour of sb/sth 对…不利 The evidence is against him.证据对他不利。Her age is against her.她的年龄对她不利。——compare for pre...


Against的中文意思:prep. 反对,违反;对……不利;紧靠,倚,碰撞;针对;预防,抵御;(体育比赛)对阵;以……...

we put the desk against the wall 的汉义

we put the desk against the wall 我们把桌子倚着墙放

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